Speedbumps & Potholes.

Panic sets in that feeling of dread is back & back with a vengeance, For weeks & weeks I’ve been on this road, The speed im travelling has differed – some days can be steady Sunday 30mph drives others can be Rush hour traffic like. I’ve hit speedbumps along this road & journey, the speedbumps such as the stresses of morning school runs or my beloved dogs barking at the f*ckin hoover like it’s another dog trying to steal their food!

My fathers death has been like a pothole that’s forced me off the road I was on, Momentarily I hope but I am terrified that the Voices I hear are courtesy of my inner critic & not that of somebody merely fixing my tyres.

The tyres, potholes & speedholes are purely for setting the tone there’s f*ckall wrong with my car, but plenty wrong with me.

I’m home alone my stomach is turning like a wheel, my heart accelerates out my chest. Oh no please don’t let this be back I knew that it would come back at some point but just not so soon I feel like I’m viberating inside & out I’m trying my best to keep telling myself that I’m stronger than before I will beat this but it has a rather large presence.

1PM & I’ve only just managed to pull myself out of bed the thought of having to go for a shower and get dressed is crippling. I’m not going to lie, in the words of Danny Dyer “I Am Shitting myself” – I’m not in control the voices from my inner critic are sneaking back in. Mental Paralysation grips me as I sit in a house that needs plenty of my TLC but will get absolutely zero. Motivationally I’m empty, The pothole of my fathers death has immobilised me & drained my tank, I’m running on the fumes of positivity I’ve built up for a day like this.

I need to get my shit together, I’m a Wife & a Mummy thats minds polluted with Instagram culture of Mrs Hinched houses, I strive for perfection but also need to remember that Mental Perfection is my target not Material Perfection. I also need to remember the pothole thats taken me off the road, Losing a loved one is a serious issue for anybody let alone somebody like me. Today I think I’ll listen to my Hubby, Try some more mindfulness, double up on my Diazepam & take deep breaths.

A Bad Day doesn’t mean a bad life – I’ll fix my wheels & restart my engine for tomorrow I hit that road to recovery again, Speedbumps will slow me down & potholes may take you off the road but I’ll get back on it.

Beep Beep


Published by mummyagainstmentalillness

I have struggled with Mental health issues for many years, Most recently spiking to levels I have no shame in admitting have drove me towards various suicide attempts as recently as this month. Now im ready to take back my life, My kids need me, my husband needs me and im no longer prepared to risk that because a stupid voice in my mind tries to dictate who I am and what I do. THIS IS MY STORY X

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